The 2025 FERSGUIDE has been published and is available as a paperback or Kindle book on Amazon. 

If you would like to purchase the 2025 Special Category Employee FERSGUIDE, it is available as a paperback on Amazon for $17.95, and the 2025 Regular Employee FERSGUIDE is available as a paperback on Amazon for $17.95,  plus applicable state taxes. Kindle versions of each are $9.95. 

Amazon has multiple printing plants, and most orders arrive in 2-3 days. 

An updated FERSGUIDE is published annually in December. There are two versions of the FERSGUIDE, one for Special Category Employees (SCEs) and one for Regular FERS employees. SCEs are primarily law enforcement officers, firefighters and air traffic controllers. Updates to the 2024 and 2025 editions can be found on the Book Errata page of this website.

As a result of moving to a 100%-Amazon model, I am no longer able to provide a free subscription to new federal employees, nor am I able to answer questions unrelated to divorce.

The FERSGUIDE is authored by Dan Jamison, a 34-year CPA. Dan retired from the FBI in 2013 after 21 years as a Special Agent Accountant. Dan started writing the FERSGUIDE over 25 years ago, when the document lurked around only in the FBI’s email system until the advent of the Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) and then the FERSGUIDE spread from the JTTFs to the participating JTTF agencies where it quickly gained popularity outside of the FBI. The FERSGUIDE now checks in at 203-217 full-size 8.5 x 11 pages depending on the version.


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